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Annotation guidelines
Table of contents
Status. This is a draft version. –>
These guidelines are aimed to support manual annotation of the Reichsanzeiger newspapers for NER & NEL tasks.
Application context. Our ultimate goal is to recognize and link the named entities from the historical newspaper Reichsanzeiger. It’s roughly 500 thousands pages for years 1819-1945.
The main language of the newspapers is German. The tiny parts are written in French, English, Spanish, Latin and Portuguese.
Methodology. These guidelines are created iteratively via:
- Adapting the existing annotation guidelines [1-4] on historical German texts for NER/NEL tasks (mainly [1] based on the annotation guidelines for French texts [5]),
- Analysing the sample pages from the Reichsanzeiger.
General instructions
Manual annotators shall use only subtypes and components. The only exception is the type EVENT: the events should be annotated as EVENT.
Entity types and subtypes
The types and their subtypes categorize a named entity. This is the first level of annotation referring to a general segmentation of words into major categories [6]. The taxonomy follows mainly [1] and [5], which are consistent except of the EVENT type (see the Source-column).
Type | Subtypes | The entity refers to | Source |
PER | PER.ind | an individual (a proper name should be a part of the entity) | p.21 [5]; p.9 [1] |
PER.coll | more than one individual (a proper name should be a part of the entity) | p.21 [5]; p.9 [1] | |
ORG | ORG.adm | an organisation which plays a mainly administrative role | p.31 [5]; p.15 [1] |
ORG.ent | an organisation which doesn’t play a mainly administrative role | p.29 [5]; p.14 [1] | |
LOC | LOC.adm | a territory with a geopolitical border (e.g., cities, city districts, countries & continents) | p.32 [5]; p.15 [1] |
LOC.phys | a physical location (e.g., mountains, rivers & planets) | p.34 [5]; p.17 [1] | |
LOC.oro | an oronym (e.g., are streets, squares, roads & highways) | p.35 [5]; p.18 [1] | |
LOC.fac | named buildings (train station & museum), named constructions (gates & bridges) & their extensions (stadium & campus); a physical location of an organisation | p.36 [5]; p.19 [1] | |
LOC.add | physical & electronic addresses | p.37 [5]; p.20 [1] | |
PROD | PROD.media | media production (e.g., newspapers, magazines & sales catalogues) | p.41 [5]; p.22 [1] |
TIME | TIME.date.abs | an absolute date (specific date, not a relative date; the dates containing only a day and a month, a month and a year, only a year or only a century) | p.57 [5]; p.23 [1] |
TIME.range | a time interval between two absolute dates | - | |
EVENT | EVENT | an event | p.63 [5] |
Components categorize the elements inside a named entity. This is the second level of annotation helping to determine the named entity type and to set the named entity boundaries [6]. The components can never be used outside the scope of a type or subtype element [6]. A named entity can consist of one or more components as well as the parts without components. The components of the type PERSON are:
Component | Description |
COMP.name | first, middle and last names as well as nickname and initials of a person |
COMP.title | title or designator of a person |
COMP.func | a function or job of a named person |
COMP.qualifier | specifies a person in the form of a qualifying adjective |
COMP.demonym | the geographical origin of a person |
Annotators shall annotate components only for named entities of type person.
Nested entities and special constructions
Nested entities. A nested entity is an entity nested in another entity or in entity component. There are no limits on nesting levels during annotation.
Components of nested entities. In contrast to [1], components of nested entities are also annotated.
Unsolvable entity type ambiguities.
- Despite our efforts to annotate ambiguous entity types (e.g., firms named after individuals as both PER.ind and ORG.adm), we found that consistent resolution was not always feasible.
- Metonymy was explored as a potential linguistic phenomenon in our analysis, but we ultimately found it to be of limited relevance to the specific entities present in our dataset.
Person (PER)
- PER.ind: the entity refers to an individual.
- PER.coll: the entity refers to more than one individual. A proper name should be a part of the entity.
Coverage of the type Person
- Considered as Person:
- real person (e.g., Karl August von Hardenberg)
- imaginary characters and characters of literature pieces (e.g., Marthe Schwerdtlein)
- religious figures (God)
- titles if they can be distinctively attributed to one person for ex. via date (e.g., Se. Koͤnigl. Hoheit der Herzog von Cumberland, Kaiser der Franzosen)
- firm names that are the name of a person as well
- Not considered as Person: (TO DO: decide on this keeping in mind the entity linking task)
- expressions without a proper name except expressions containing title and demonym or expressions that can be clearly attributed to one person via time (e.g., Großherzog von Baden, Kaiser der Franzosen)
- demonyms which do not modify a proper name (e.g., preußischer Staatsbürger)
- isolated functions not attached to a person name
- abbreviation of names that are only one letter (e.g., A.)
- Considered as Person.Collective:
- more than one individual containing a proper name (e.g., )
- royal courts (e.g., Kaiserlicher Russischer Hofstaat)
- firms with several partners (e.g.,
- Not considered as Person.Collective:
- citizens or residents of certain geographic areas (e.g., Herren H.F. Fetschow & Sohn)
- Löwenberger, Plagwitzer, die letzten Franzoſen)
- families if it is not clear which family members are included
- members of an institution that frequently change (e.g., Reichstagsabgeordnete)
- if something is both PER.coll and ORG.ent both entities are added
specific heuristics for Person
- Quartett + name (music) is annotated PER.coll (e.g.,Schwedisches National Damen Doppel Quartett)
- We treated surnames with “von” and a city and surnames with a religious title and a city by annotating both COMP.func and COMP.demonym (examples can be found in the tricky cases section) -> Page 13 in [1]
Person Components
- COMP.func (a function or job of a named person):
- an occupation, profession or specialty (e.g., Zimmermann, Richter)
- an administrative function in public or private area (e.g., Vorsitzender, Außenminister)
- titles of advising officials (Wirklicher Geheimer Rat, Landrat, Landrath a. D.)
- social roles and status (e.g., Häftling)
- tasks (command, directorate) that describe the function of a specific person (e.g., Führung der 29. Kav. Brig., Höchstkommandirenden des X. Armee Corps, Direktion, Regie: Emil Hahn )
- roles (for ex. Pastor (both military and civilian), Archimandriten) within the church
- family relations (e.g.,Gemahlin / Ehefrau von …, siblings)
- certain adjectives: ehemalig / früher / emeritiert/ ausgeschiedener/ geschäftsleitend/ verw. (abbreviation for verwitwet = widowed)
- a function always includes the organization, place or specialization attached to it [1]
- COMP.title (title or designator of a person):
- a civil or honorific prefix (e.g., Frau, Herr, Damen, Herren, Dlle. (demoiselle) Dr., Majestät, königliche Hoheit), military titles (e.g., General, Leutnant), nobility titles and royal titles (Fürstin, Gräfin, Herzog, Ritter, Junker)
- specifications of doctorates (e.g., Dr. jur., Dr. rer. nat.)
- titles that a
- re both civil and military titles (e.g., Kapitän)
- certain adjectives if a title follows are added to COMP.tilte: ehemalig, früher, emeritiert, ausgeschiedener, Abbreviation “a. D.“
- Functions (Wehrmann, Reservisten, Arbeitssoldat II. Klasse, Einjährig-Freiwilliger) within the military that are not titles are annotated
- COMP.qualifier (specifies a person in the form of a qualifying adjective):
- any adjective qualifying the entity (e.g., sozialistische, senior, III., verantwortlich, verstorben)
- COMP.name (first, middle and last names as well as nickname and initials of a person):
- covers first-, middle-, last- and nickname (e.g., Karl)
- names of noble families if the name is not related to a location (e.g., von Humboldt)
- COMP.demonym (the geographical origin of a person):
- a noun or adjective that identifies residents of a particular place (e.g., Bayerische)
- a preposition that identifies the origin of a person (in, aus, zu not in)
- names of noble families if the name is related to a location (e.g., von Solms-Lych)
- if locations are separable, they are annotated individually: see example
- if two locations are not separable, they are annotated together (e.g., Rahm⸗Reg.⸗Bez. Düſſeldorf)
specific heuristics for Person Components
- COMP.func: both civilian and military doctors are annotated as COMP.func
Tricky cases for Person
cases of PER.coll:
Prinzeßinen Töchtern, Amalie und Maria.
Kommandeurs des Ordens des Heiligen Geiſtes den Kardinal de la Luzerne, den Kardinal de Bausset, den Erzbiſchof von Bordeaux und den Abbe Montesquiou.
<COMP.func>Kommandeurs des
<ORG.ent>Ordens des Heiligen Geiſtes</ORG.ent>
de la
<COMP.name>de Bausset</COMP.name>
<COMP.demonym>von Bordeaux</COMP.demonym>
Herzog und die Herzogin von Angouleme
und die
<COMP.name>von Angouleme</COMP.name>
Prinzen Karl, Louis, und Ferdinand zu Solms⸗Lych
<PER.ind> Karl</PER.ind>,
<PER.ind> Louis</PER.ind>
<PER.ind> Ferdinand</PER.ind>
<COMP.demonym> zu Solms⸗Lych</COMP.demonym>
Geſchwiſter Laura, Amalie und Giſela Neumann
<PER.ind> Giſela</PER.ind>
<COMP.name> Neumann</COMP.name>
Kaufleute G. Rosenthal
<COMP.func> Kaufleute </COMP.func>
<ORG.ent><PER.ind> G. Rosenthal </PER.ind> & Co.</ORG.ent>
Gebr. Jückstock
Firma J. Tiſcher Nachfolger (Gebr. Gerich)
<PER.ind>J. Tiſcher</PER.ind>
</ORG.ent> Nachfolger
(<PER.coll>Gebr. Gerich</PER.coll>)
Herren H.F. Fetschow & Sohn
<COMP.title> Herren </COMP.title>
<PER.ind>H.F. Fetschow </PER.ind>
& Sohn</ORG.ent>
Russischer Hof
<PER.coll>Russisch Kaiserlicher Hof </PER.coll>
The expressions containing title and demonym are annotated:
Großherzog von Baden
<COMP.demonym>von Baden</COMP.demonym>
Se. Köngl. Hoheit der Herzog von Cumberland
<COMP.title>Se. Köngl. Hoheit</COMP.title>
<COMP.demonym>von Cumberland</COMP.demonym>
Königl. Preußische Lieutentant im Garde-Uhlanen-Regimente, Graf Ratibor von Werßowitz zu Potsdam
<COMP.title>Königl. Preußische Lieutentant im
<ORG.ent>Garde-Uhlanen-Regimente </ORG.ent>
<COMP.demonym>von Werßowitz</COMP.demonym>
<COMP.demonym>zu Potsdam</COMP.demonym>
ehemalige Gouverneur von Catalonien, Graf Espagne
<COMP.demonym>von Catalonien</COMP.demonym>
Abbe Montesquiou
Kardinal de la Luzerne
<COMP.demonym> la Luzerne</COMP.demonym>
Erzbiſchof von Bordeaux
<COMP.func>Erzbiſchof </COMP.func>
<COMP.demonym>von Bordeaux</COMP.demonym>
Nested entities with components are also annotated:
Se. Exc. der General⸗Lieutenant, diesſeitiger außerordentlicher Geſandter und bevollmaͤchtigter Miniſter am Rußiſch Kaiſerlichen Hofe Freiherr von Schoͤler.
<COMP.title>Se. Exc. der General⸗Lieutenant</COMP.title>,
<COMP.func>diesſeitiger außerordentlicher Geſandter</COMP.func>
<COMP.func>bevollmaͤchtigter Miniſter am
<PER.coll>Rußiſch Kaiſerlichen Hofe</PER.coll>
<COMP.name>von Schoͤler</COMP.name>
Britiſche General⸗Konſul in Tripolis, Herr Warrington
General⸗Konſul in
Sr. hochfürſtlichen Durchl. des Prinzen Friedrich, Sohnes Sr. Hoheit des Kurprinzen.
<COMP.title>Sr. hochfürſtlichen Durchl.</COMP.title>
<COMP.title>Sr. Hoheit</COMP.title>
<COMP.title>Kurprinzen </COMP.title>
Kaiſerlich Oeſterreichſche Kabinets⸗Kourier Vardioro.
Frau von Lepel, geb. v. d. Lanken
<PER.ind> Frau von
<COMP.name> Lepel </COMP.name>
, geb. v. d.
<COMP.name> Lanken </COMP.name>
Staats⸗Sekretair und Chef⸗Praͤſident der Haupt⸗Bank Frieſe
<COMP.func> Chef⸗Praͤſident der
<COMP.name> Frieſe</COMP.name>
other cases:
Nange sdorf, Sec. Lt. von demſ. Regt.
<COMP.name>Nange sdorf</COMP.name>,
<COMP.title>Sec. Lt.</COMP.title>
von demſ. Regt.
Professor der Theologie an der Universität Würzburg, Dr. Stein
<COMP.title>Professor der Theologie an der Universität Würzburg </COMP.title>,
<COMP.name>Stein </COMP.name>
Gemahlin des Geheimen Kommerzien-Raths Henschel zu Kassel
<COMP.func>Geheimen Kommerzien-Raths</COMP.func>
<COMP.demonym>zu Kassel</COMP.demonym>
verehelichte Klempnermeister Jasch, Louise, geborne Berger, zu Nieder-Hermsdorf
geborne <COMP.name>Berger</COMP.name>,
<COMP.demonym>zu Nieder-Hermsdorf</COMP.demonym>
könglich schwedischer Major Nyguist im Generalstabe
<COMP.title>könglich schwedischer Major </COMP.title>
<COMP.name> Nyguist <COMP.name>
im Generalstabe
-> if Generalstabe were after title it would have been included in title
Oberförſter Joly zu Rahm bei Großenbaum, Reg.⸗Bez. Düſſeldorf
<COMP.demonym>zu Rahm</COMP.demonym>
<LOC.adm>Reg.⸗Bez. Düſſeldorf</LOC.adm>
Organization (ORG)
- ORG.adm: an organisation which plays a mainly administrative role.
- ORG.ent: an organisation which doesn’t play a mainly administrative role
Coverage of the type Organization
- Considered as Organization:
- registered organizations
- museums, institutes, universities, libraries (annotate as ORG.ent)
- restaraunts (annotate as ORG.ent)
- military units (annotate as ORG.ent)
- political parties (annotate as ORG.ent)
- firms (annotate as ORG.ent)
- hospitals (annotate as ORG.ent)
- factories (annotated as ORG.ent, e.g., vereinigten rheinisch-westfälische Pulverfabriken, Conſolidirtes Braunkohlen⸗Bergwerk Marie bei Atzendorf)
- railways (annotated as ORG.ent, e.g., Kerkerbachbahn)
- press agencies (annotate as ORG.ent, e.g., W.T.B.)
- exchanges (annotate as ORG.ent but not linked, e.g., Berliner Börse)
- chamber of commerce (annotate as ORG.ent)
- armies of a country (annotate as ORG.ent, e.g., Preußische Armee)
- if something is both PER.coll and ORG.ent both entities are added
- parliaments (annotate as ORG.adm, e.g., Reichstag, Unterhaus)
- governments if it is known what they govern (annotated as ORG.adm, e.g., französische Regierung, Regierung von Köln)
- ministeries (annotated as ORG.adm)
- military authorities (Militärbehörde) (annotate as ORG.adm)
- courts of justice (annotate as ORG.adm)
- public prosecution service (Staatsanwaltschaft) (annotate as ORG.adm)
- central banks (Zentralbank, Reichsbank) (annotate as ORG.adm)
- departments if the organization to which they belong is known (e.g., Militär-Medizinal-Abtheilung des Kriegsministeriums)
- former names of an organization are added (vorm.)
- organisations that are distinctive (exist only once) are annotated without the location
- a location is added to the annotation if it is part of the name (for ex. Königlichen Eiſenbahn⸗Direktion Berlin)
- Not considered as Organization:
- theaters (annotate it as LOC.fac)
- departments if the organization to which they belong is unknown (e.g., Abtheilung des Innern)
- governments if it is unknown what they govern (annotated as ORG.adm, e.g., Kaiserliche Regierung, Regierung in/zu Cöln)
specific heuristics
- Bundesrat, Bern are seperately annotated
- Königliche Regierungs-Hauptkasse, Königlichen Staatsschulden-Tilgungskasse etc. (annotate as ORG.adm)
- banks that are named after a person (anntoate as ORG.ent & PER.ind or PER.coll)
- Reserve (milit.) (annotate as ORG.ent)
- other organisations: Police, roman church, schools, international committees, orphanages are annotated as well
- mail system:
- Postanstalten, Postämter are annotated as ORG.ent if they are specific (e.g., General-Postamt/ Reichspostamt)
- Postverwaltung is annotated as ORG.adm
- Post is annotated as ORG.ent
- Not considered as Organization:
- Köngl. Preußische Lotterie not annotated
- Regierung in/zu Cöln not annotated
Tricky cases for Organization
Blücherſchen Heere
Herren H.F. Fetschow & Sohn
<COMP.title> Herren </COMP.title>
<PER.ind>H.F. Fetschow </PER.ind>& Sohn
Pariser Bijoutier Odiot
Niederländische Regierung
<ORG.adm>niederländische Regierung</ORG.adm>
Justizkommission des Reichstages
<ORG.adm>Justizkommission des Reichstages</ORG.adm>
Militär-Medizinal-Abtheilung des Kriegsministeriums
<ORG.adm> Militär-Medizinal-Abtheilung des
<ORG.adm> Kriegsministeriums </ORG.adm>
Königliches Handelsgericht-Sekretariat
<ORG.adm>Königliches Handelsgericht-Sekretariat</ORG.adm>
Firma: Philipp Cullmann
<ORG.ent> Firma:
<PER.ind> Philipp Cullmann </PER.ind>
Lehranſtalt der Jeſuiten in Sikawei
<ORG.ent>Lehranſtalt der Jeſuiten in Sikawei</ORG.ent>
Hôtel Zulaſt in Mülheim a. d. Ruhr
<ORG.ent>Hôtel Zulaſt</ORG.ent> in Mülheim a. d. Ruhr
Firma J. Tiſcher Nachfolger Gebr. Gerich
<PER.ind>J. Tiſcher</PER.ind>
</ORG.ent> Nachfolger
(<PER.coll>Gebr. Gerich</PER.coll>)
Actien-Gesellschaft für Eisen-Industrie und Brückenbau vorm. J. C. Harkort
<ORG.ent>Actien-Gesellschaft für Eisen-Industrie und Brückenbau vorm.
<PER.ind>J. C. Harkort</PER.ind>
Location (LOC)
- LOC.adm: a territory with a geopolitical border (e.g., cities, countries & continents)
- LOC.fac: named buildings (train station & museum) & their extensions (stadium & campus); a physical location of an organisation
- LOC.oro: an oronym (e.g., are streets, squares, roads & highways)
- LOC.phys: a physical location (e.g., mountains, rivers & planets)
Coverage of the type Location
- Considered as Location:
- Considered as LOC.adm:
- ancient cities (e.g. Pompeii)
- Islands
- administrative areas of the church (e.g., Diözese)
- if a state is named with the city (e.g., Königsberg (Ostpr.)) both are annotated individually
- the discription of the administrative region (e.g., Gemeinde, Kreise) is included in the annotation
- if a river is named with the city (e.g., Ludwigshafen, Rhein) the river is included in annotation
- considered LOC.fac:
- specific buildings: military buildings, theaters etc. (e.g., Schloss Mannheim, Theaters, train stations)
- building that only exist once in a city (e.g., Stadt-Theater in Berlin) are annotated with the following city
- unspecific buildings (e.g., Haus)
- considered LOC.phys:
- Gardens and (national)parcs (e.g. Jardin des Tuileries)
- specific river banks (e.g. rechtes Rhein Ufer)
- valleys (e.g.,Moselthal)
- Not considered as LOC.adm:
- regions without clear borders (e.g., Ostafrika, Ostindien)
- if a location is written as an adjective (e.g., Spanisch)
- colonies that can not be attributed to a specific geographical location (e.g., Spaniſchen Kolonieen)
- Not considered as LOC.add:
- street names without a house number
- Not considered as LOC.fac:
- ports
- Specifications (e.g., island, colony etc.) of locations are annotated as well
- In case of locations that can’t be clealy attributed to a city or another location because they are both a city and a location with the same name exist (for example: Samos -> is both city and island) no QID is assigned
- if two locations are separable, they are annotated individually
- if two locations are not separable, they are annotated together (e.g., Rahm⸗Reg.⸗Bez. Düſſeldorf)
specific heuristics
- Ireland, when alone: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q22890
- Great Britain and Ireland, together (1801- 1927): https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q174193
- Great Britain, when alone: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q23666
- Berl n / Leipz g to Berlin / Leipzig
- Rio is not annotated as Rio de Janerio
- Gefängnis is not annotated
- LOC.fac: Embassies are annotated if it is clear where they are and in which country they originate
- LOC.fac: Stadt-Theater in city x are annotated with the following city, Stadt-Theater without a city are annotated alone, same procedure with Church in city x and branches of banks (e.g., Reichsbankstelle in…)
- Yellowstone / Big Horn: LOC.phys without identifier
- West indies is a Danish Colony in the Caribbean: annotated
- Westaustralien is a state in Australia: annotated
- Windsor is annotated as LOC.adm
- El Salvador is annotated as LOC.adm
- Vereinigte Staaten von Nordamerika, Etats Unis (franz. Name) is annotated as USA
- Vereinigte Staaten are not annoted
- Goldküste is annotated as LOC.adm
- Rio is not annotated as Rio de Janerio
Tricky cases for Location
Kolonie Bourbon
<LOC.adm>Kolonie Bourbon</LOC.adm>
Königsberg in Pr.
<LOC.adm>Königsberg in Pr.</LOC.adm>
Berlin Breitestaße No 20
<loc.adm> Berlin </loc.adm>
<loc.add> Breitestaße No 20 </loc.add>
Garnison Mühlberg
<LOC.fac> Garnison Mühlberg</LOC.fac>
- Schlacht an der Katzbach: specific (specific in space and time)
- Kongress der russischen Ärzte: specific
- Geburt des jungen Prinzen: not specific
- Ein u. Zwanzigſten März 1836 -> annotated
- 21ster d. Mts -> not specific -> not annotated
- Ende Dezember 1831: not specific -> not annotated
- Dezember 1831: specific -> annotated
- 1876/77: only 1876 -> annotated/ identifier added
- Juli 1837 bis Ende Dezember 1838: annotated as TIME.range and TIME.date.abs is added to individual dates
specific heuristics
- Michaelis d. J. -> 29. September
Tricky cases for DATE
- Juli 1837 bis Ende Dezember 1838
<TIME.date.abs>1. Juli 1837</TIME.date.abs>
<TIME.date.abs>Ende Dezember 1838</TIME.date.abs>
names Preußischer Staatsanzeiger: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q55257346
Ther are multiple names for the Reichanzeiger newspapaer (https://digi.bib.uni-mannheim.de/periodika/reichsanzeiger/).
specific heuristics
- Bundes-Gesetzblatt is annotated as PROD.media
Entity linking
- entities are linked against Wikidata
- nested entities are linked unless the main entity is PER.ind
- All types of entities except for components and TIME.range are linked
- LOC.adm: only linked to address if a Wikipedia article with the exact name of the address exists (in our dataset no such Wikipedia articles existed)
- If the historical referent differs from the current referent (e.g., Reichsgaue Sudetenland) the historical Wikidata entry is linked. If there is no historical referent, the current Wikidata entry is linked.
- different iterations of the same organisation (e.g., the Reichstag) are not linked to the specific iteration (e.g., 10. Reichstag) but the general wikidata entry (Reichstag - Wikidata)
- abbreviations are linked as well if they can be clearly attributed (e.g., SS)
- in case of a metonymy of PER.coll, PER.ind and ORG.ent (e.g., Firma Gebrüder F. J. Badart -> both ORG.ent and PER.coll) the entities are not linked because distinction is too difficult
- parties with generic names (e.g., liberale Partei) are not linked
- if a LOC.adm is both city and district we use the identifier of the city unless it is known that the district is meant
- for lists of administrative areas (e.g., Regierungsbezirken Arnsberg, Düsseldorf, Potsdam, Hamburg) the identifier of the administrative area in the beginning (e.g., Regierungsbezirk) is used
specific heuristics
- argentinische Republik is linked
- Senegambien linked as British Senegambien
- Puerto Rico is not linked
- Tokio before 1889 is not linked
- Tokio after 1889 is linked as Tokio - Wikidata
- Römisches Reich is linked as Ancient Rome - Wikidata
- Malta is linked as Island of Malta - Wikidata
- Württemberg from 1806 to 1918: Kingdom of Württemberg - Wikidata
- Nordamerika -> Kontinent is linked as Nordamerika - Wikidata
- Goldküste is annotated because its a LOC.adm but no identifier because its not clear which LOC.adm is meant
- Cordoba is not linked
[1] Ehrmann, Watter, Romanello, & Clematide. (2019). Impresso Named Entity Annotation Guidelines (2.1). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3585750
[2] Romanello, Matteo, & Najem-Meyer, Sven. (2022). Guidelines for the Annotation of Named Entities in the Domain of Classics (18.03.2022). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6368101
[3] Ahmed Hamdi, Elvys Linhares Pontes, & Antoine Doucet. (2021). Annotation Guidelines for Named Entity Recognition, Entity Linking and Stance Detection (v3.1). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4574199
[4] Menzel, Sina, Zinck, Josefine, & Petras, Vivien. (2020). Guidelines for Full Text Annotations in the SoNAR (IDH) Corpus (2.4). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5116015
[5] Sophie Rosset, Cyril Grouin & Pierre Zweigenbaum. (2011). Entités nommées structurées: guide d’annotation Quaero. [pdf]
[6] Cyril Grouin, Sophie Rosset, Pierre Zweigenbaum, Karën Fort, Olivier Galibert, and Ludovic Quintard. (2011). Proposal for an Extension of Traditional Named Entities: From Guidelines to Evaluation, an Overview. In Proceedings of the 5th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, pages 92–100, Portland, Oregon, USA. Association for Computational Linguistics. [pdf]