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Compatibility with WikidataIntegrator & WikibaseIntegrator

WikidataIntegrator and WikibaseIntegrator are the wrappers of the Wikibase API. A bot account is needed to start data filling with them. RaiseWikibase can create a bot account for a local Wikibase instance, save the login and password to a configuration file and read them back to a config dictionary:

from RaiseWikibase.raiser import create_bot
from RaiseWikibase.settings import Settings
config = Settings()

The config dictionary can be used in WikibaseIntegrator for creating a login instance:

from wikibaseintegrator import wbi_login
login_instance = wbi_login.Login(user=config.username, pwd=config.password)

and in WikidataIntegrator:

from wikidataintegrator import wdi_login
login_instance = wdi_login.WDLogin(user=config.username, pwd=config.password)

You can also create the JSON representations of entities in WikidataIntegrator or WikibaseIntegrator and then fill them into a Wikibase instance using RaiseWikibase. In WikibaseIntegrator you can create a wbi_core.ItemEngine object and use the get_json_representation function:

from wikibaseintegrator import wbi_core
item = wbi_core.ItemEngine(item_id='Q1003030')
ijson = item.get_json_representation()

In WikidataIntegrator a wdi_core.WDItemEngine object can be created and the get_wd_json_representation function can be used:

from wikidataintegrator import wdi_core
item = wdi_core.WDItemEngine(wd_item_id='Q1003030')
ijson = item.get_wd_json_representation()

The JSON representation of an entity can be uploaded into a Wikibase instance using the batch function in RaiseWikibase:

from RaiseWikibase.raiser import batch
batch('wikibase-item', [ijson])