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Getting data from Wikidata and filling it into a Wikibase instance

The Wikidata knowledge graph already has millions of items and thousands of properties. For many projects some of these entities can be reused. Let’s create the multilingual items human, organization and location in a local Wikibase instance using RaiseWikibase.

The example below defines the function get_wd_entity. It takes a Wikidata ID as an input, sends a request to Wikidata, gets the JSON representation of an entity, removes the keys unwanted in a local Wikibase instance, creates a claim and returns the JSON representation of the entity, if an error has not occured. The function get_wd_entity is used to get the JSON representations for human, organization and location. These JSON representations are then filled into a local Wikibase instance using the batch function.

from RaiseWikibase.raiser import batch
from RaiseWikibase.datamodel import claim, snak
import requests

def get_wd_entity(wid=''):
    """Returns JSON representation of a Wikidata entity for the given WID"""
    # Remove the following keys to avoid a problem with a new Wikibase instance
    remove_keys = ['lastrevid', 'pageid', 'modified', 'title', 'ns']
        r = requests.get('' + wid + '.json')
        entity = r.json().get('entities').get(wid)
        for key in remove_keys:
        entity['claims'] = claim(prop='P1',
    except Exception:
        entity = None
    return entity

wids = ['Q5', 'Q43229', 'Q17334923'] # human, organization, location
items = [get_wd_entity(wid) for wid in wids]
batch('wikibase-item', items)

The lines, where entity['claims'] is rewritten, can be commented. Then, the created items contain the claims with the property IDs corresponding to Wikidata. Just try it out.

If you filled the entities from Wikidata into a fresh Wikibase instance, but you cannot open a page at http://localhost:8181/entity/Q1, run in shell:

docker exec raisewikibase_wikibase_1 bash "-c" "php maintenance/update.php --quick --force"

We used the property with ID ‘P1’ in the claim. That property with a label ‘Wikidata ID’ can be created using the script It creates all 9000+ Wikidata properties in two minutes.